This workshop will guide participants through a framework designed to increase the likelihood of successful adaptation and sustained implementation of healthy food retail interventions into new contexts. The framework was informed by the combined experience of researchers from multiple Universities and practitioners in real-world contexts. The framework is based on a stepped process that allows continuous quality improvement within a co-creation model. The CO-creation and evaluation of food environments to Advance Community Health (COACH), framework comprises a six-phase continuous quality improvement process: 1) stakeholder engagement, evidence collection and governance; 2) communication, policy alignment and development; 3) community engagement and co-design of evidence-informed action; 4) implementation 5) feedback and evaluation, and 6) maintaining momentum and quality. This framework guides the establishment of stakeholder engagement and governance and communication processes early in intervention planning. It harnesses adaptive technologies to identify relevant relationships of cause and effect within a system to generate prioritized actions to improve the health of food retail environments. All elements of the framework have been tested separately; and is currently undergoing pilot testing as a wholistic framework. For this workshop we will workshop COACH in ‘Coachville’ a mock community to demonstrate how COACH can assist stakeholders with the design, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of a food retail intervention that promotes health.